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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sultanate Mosques Gedhe

Gedhe Sultanate Mosque complex (Sultanate Mosque) or the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta is located west of the northern square complex. The complex is also called the Mosque Gedhe Kauman surrounded by a high wall. The main door of the complex located on the east side. Architecture tajug square-shaped main building with the roof closed bertumpang three. To enter the main door there on the east and north. On the western side of the pulpit there is a three-story wooden mihrab (where the imam leads the prayer), and a cage-like building called maksura. In his time (for security reasons) in this place to worship the Emperor. Porch joglo rectangular shaped mosque is open. Main mosque floor is made higher than the mosque portico and porch floor is much higher compared to the courtyard. On the north-east-south porch there is a small pond. In ancient times this pool to wash the feet of people who want to enter the mosque.
In front of the mosque there is a courtyard planted with specific tree. In the north and south of the page (northeast and southeast of the mosque building highways)....

Alun-alun Kidul

Alun-alun Kidul is a square in the southern part of Yogyakarta Palace. Square of the South are often referred to as Pengkeran. Pengkeran derived from pengker (form manners) of buri (rear). This is in accordance with South keletakan square which is located behind the palace.

Alun-alun Lor

Alun-alun lor is a grassy field  in the northern part of Sultan Palace. Formerly a rectangular field is surrounded by a fence wall is high enough . Now the wall was not seen again except in the south eastern side. Nowadays the square is narrowed and only just visible in the middle. At the edge of the paved road that has been made open to the public.

On the edge of the square planted with a row of banyan trees (Ficus benjamina; family Moraceae)

Gladhag Pangurakan

The main gate to get into the Yogyakarta Palace complex from the north is the Gate and the Gate Pangurakan Gladhag which is located just a few meters to the south. The second gate is looks like a layered defense . In his day said Pangurakan is where you can drop a watch list or expulsion from the city for those who received the punishment of exile / disposal .

Another version says there are three gates of the gate Gladhag, Pangurakan nJawi gate, and gate Pangurakan

General Architecture

In general each of the main complex consists of a page covered with sand from the south coast, the main building as well as a companion, and sometimes planted some trees. Complex with each other separated by a high wall and connected to Regol which is usually styled Semar Tinandu . Doors made of teak wood is thick. Behind or in front of each gate there is a wall insulation is usually called a joint or Baturono. At a certain Regol insulation have a distinctive ornament.

Sultan Palace buildings look more traditional Javanese style of architecture. In certain parts look a touch of foreign culture such as Portuguese, Dutch, and even China. Buildings in each complex are formed as / berkonstruksi Joglo or derivation / derived construction. Joglo open without walls is called a closed ward while joglo called Gedhong wall (building). In addition there are buildings that form a canopy of bamboo and thatched bamboo pole called Tratag. In the development of tin-roofed buildings and metal pole.

Layout Of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace

Corridor in the background Kedhaton Gedhong Jene and Gedhong Purworetno
Formerly the main palace, from the north keselatan, starting from the gate in the north to the Gladhag Plengkung Nirboyo in the south. The main parts of the palace of Yogyakarta from north to south are: gate-Pangurakan Gladag; LER Square Complex (North Field) and Gedhe Mosque (Royal Mosque); Complex Pagelaran, Siti Complex Hinggil LER, LER Kamandhungan Complex: Complex Sri Manganti ; Complex Kedhaton; Complex Kamagangan; Complex Kamandhungan South; Siti Hinggil South Complex (now called the Sasana Hinggil); and square South (South Field) and Plengkung Nirbaya commonly called Plengkung Gadhing .

Northern parts of the south side Kedhaton with virtually symmetrical. Most of the buildings on the north Complex Kedhaton facing north and south of the south facing Complex Kedhaton. Kedhaton own building in the area mostly east or west facing. However, there are building facing the other direction.
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