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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Patangpuluhan Soldier

Comprised four pennant-ranking officers, 8 noncommissioned sergeant, 72 soldiersand a man carrying a flag. Used clothing: hat hoe gowang, headband wulung, sikepanstriated walnut, red vest, red Lonthong, black dictionary. Pants on the red and white,black socks, black bengkap .Fantopel black shoes. The weapon used was a rifle andwearing branggah dagger.

Name flags: Cokrogoro, Basic Black, center red star image. 
Name of music:Mars Gendero, to walk slowly and stylized, 
Mars Bulu-bulu, to run faster

Source : www.dalimunthe.com

Ketanggung Soldier

Consisting of four standard-ranking officers, 8 noncommissioned sergeant, 72 soldiersand one soldier banner carrier. Uniform jacket open, in a white dress, wearing a blackheadband, a triangular hat, long-shod boots. The weapons used were rifles with fixed bayonets and dagger waist.

Name flags: Cokro Sewandono, Basic black, middle white star image. 
Name of music: Mars Bergolo milir to walk slowly and stylized, Mares Lintrik Gold torun faster.

Source : www.dalimunthe.com

Soldier of Ngayogyakarta palace

Soldiers formed Ngayogyakarta palace during the reign of Hamengkubuwono Iaround the 17th century. Precisely in 1755 AD. Soldiers consisting of infantry troopsand cavalry had been to use firearms in the form of guns and cannons. For approximately half a century the famous Ngayogyakarta forces are strong enough, itproved when Hamengkubuwono II inertia forces against the invasion of British troopsunder the command of General Gillespie in June 1812. In the Chronicle reported that the resistance of the Hamengkubuwono II epic. But since the British Governmentdissolved Hamengkubuwono III Company Yogykarta Sultanate armies. October 2, 1813 In an agreement signed by the Sultan Hamengkubuwono III and Raffles, wrotethat the Sultanate of Yogyakarta is not allowed to have a strong army. GovernmentCompany under the supervision of the United Kingdom, courts may only have unitsarmed with weak restrictions on the number of personnel. So it is not possible anymore to make a military movement. So since it is armed units function as guardian of the sultan and the extent of the palace guards.

When the Dutch colonial government returned to power the armed forces are alreadyso weak that further reduced the military has no meaning. According to existing records, during the reigns of Hamengkubuwono VII to VIII reign Hamengkubuwono iebetween the years 1877 to 1939 there were 13 union soldiers palace which include:Unity Sumoatmojo, Ketanggung, Patangpuluh, Wirobrojo, Jogokaryo, Nyutro,Dhaeng, Jager, Prawirotomo, Mantrijero , Langenastro, Surokarso and Bugis.

Source : www.dalimunthe.com

Siraman Pusaka

Kraton Ngayogyakarta some kind of inheritance, such as weapons of the spear, dagger, regalia, ampilan, pennants, gamelan and trains. Heirlooms called majesties Dalem it usually has a name, and has an honorary degree as Kangjeng Kyai or Kangjeng Nyai, even Kangjeng Kyai Ageng heirloom believed to have magical powers, at most. Heritage palace believed to be sacred, and to have supernatural powers. Most of the palace treasures passed down from generation to generation, and some even came from the palace Demak

Heirlooms are usually intensively cleaned once a year in the month of Sura in the Javanese calendar as one form of traditional ceremonies performed by relatives every year Ngayogyakarta Palacecommonly known as Heritage Siraman ceremony. The word comes from the word flush shower (bath). What is meant by Heritage Kraton is a splash of water to bathe or inheritance of property owned by the Palace Ngarsa Dalem Ngayogyakarta. The ceremony is held in Sura and is closed, aka the general public is not allowed to see. For two days, there are approximately 200 pieces of heirloom Kraton included in the ceremony.

There is a heritage which cleared only by the Sultan himself to take place in the inner palace. Treasures that fall into this category include Kangjeng Kyai Ageng Plered. There are cleansed by the Sultan's brothers, and some are cleared by the courtiers. There is a heritage that is cleaned on-site maintained her privacy, but there are also cleaned the open place visited by many people, such as royal carriages. Indeed, there are some audiences that trying to get the train wash water, in the hope of the blessing of the former flower water or washing royal heirlooms are considered sacred.

Source : Wikipedia
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