Soldiers formed Ngayogyakarta palace during the reign of Hamengkubuwono Iaround the 17th century. Precisely in 1755 AD. Soldiers consisting of infantry troopsand cavalry had been to use firearms in the form of guns and cannons. For approximately half a century the famous Ngayogyakarta forces are strong enough, itproved when Hamengkubuwono II inertia forces against the invasion of British troopsunder the command of General Gillespie in June 1812. In the Chronicle reported that the resistance of the Hamengkubuwono II epic. But since the British Governmentdissolved Hamengkubuwono III Company Yogykarta Sultanate armies. October 2, 1813 In an agreement signed by the Sultan Hamengkubuwono III and Raffles, wrotethat the Sultanate of Yogyakarta is not allowed to have a strong army. GovernmentCompany under the supervision of the United Kingdom, courts may only have unitsarmed with weak restrictions on the number of personnel. So it is not possible anymore to make a military movement. So since it is armed units function as guardian of the sultan and the extent of the palace guards.

When the Dutch colonial government returned to power the armed forces are alreadyso weak that further reduced the military has no meaning. According to existing records, during the reigns of Hamengkubuwono VII to VIII reign Hamengkubuwono iebetween the years 1877 to 1939 there were 13 union soldiers palace which include:Unity Sumoatmojo, Ketanggung, Patangpuluh, Wirobrojo, Jogokaryo, Nyutro,Dhaeng, Jager, Prawirotomo, Mantrijero , Langenastro, Surokarso and Bugis.
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