Corridor in the background Kedhaton Gedhong Jene and Gedhong Purworetno
Formerly the main palace, from the north keselatan, starting from the gate in the north to the Gladhag Plengkung Nirboyo in the south. The main parts of the palace of Yogyakarta from north to south are: gate-Pangurakan Gladag; LER Square Complex (North Field) and Gedhe Mosque (Royal Mosque); Complex Pagelaran, Siti Complex Hinggil LER, LER Kamandhungan Complex: Complex Sri Manganti ; Complex Kedhaton; Complex Kamagangan; Complex Kamandhungan South; Siti Hinggil South Complex (now called the Sasana Hinggil); and square South (South Field) and Plengkung Nirbaya commonly called Plengkung Gadhing .

Northern parts of the south side Kedhaton with virtually symmetrical. Most of the buildings on the north Complex Kedhaton facing north and south of the south facing Complex Kedhaton. Kedhaton own building in the area mostly east or west facing. However, there are building facing the other direction.
In addition to the main parts of north-south axis palace also has another part. These sections include Pracimosono Complex, Complex Roto Wijayan, Kilen Palace Complex, Complex Taman Sari, and the Crown Prince Palace Complex (initially Sawojajar later in nDalem Mangkubumen). All around the palace and in it there is a defense system consisting of a wall / wall and Baluwerti Cepuri. Outside the walls of the buildings that are associated with the palace, among others, Monument White Pal, Gedhong Krapyak, nDalem Kepatihan (Palace of the Prime Minister), and Beringharjo market.
Source : Wikipedia
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