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Monday, March 12, 2012

Siti Hinggil Ler

In the south there are complex performance Siti Hinggil Complex. Siti complex Hinggil traditionally used to hold the official royal ceremonies. In this place on December 19, 1949 used the inauguration Univ. Gadjah Mada. The complex is made higher than the surrounding soil with two levels for the ride is on the north and south. Among the events and a row of trees planted Siti Hinggil Gayam (Inocarpus edulis / Inocarpus fagiferus; family Papilionaceae).

On the right and left lower end of the north Siti

Pagelaran Complex

The main building is a former ward performances known as Tratag Creep . In his days the show is where the imperial courtier to the Sultan at the official ceremony. Now often used for tourism events, religion, etc. in addition to ceremonial palace. Ward Pemandengan pair located at the far east and west show. In the past there used by the Sultan to see the war in Lor Square.

Ward Pasewakan pair / clamp located just outside the

Kadipaten Of Nayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace

Mangkubumen Dalem complex is the Crown Prince Palace or known as the Duchy (derived from the title of Crown Prince: "Prince Duke Anom." This place is situated in the village of the Duchy northwest Taman Sari and Ngasem.

 Now the complex is used as a campus of Univ
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