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Monday, March 12, 2012

Siti Hinggil Ler

In the south there are complex performance Siti Hinggil Complex. Siti complex Hinggil traditionally used to hold the official royal ceremonies. In this place on December 19, 1949 used the inauguration Univ. Gadjah Mada. The complex is made higher than the surrounding soil with two levels for the ride is on the north and south. Among the events and a row of trees planted Siti Hinggil Gayam (Inocarpus edulis / Inocarpus fagiferus; family Papilionaceae).

On the right and left lower end of the north Siti
Hinggil level there are two wards Pacikeran used by servants and Singonegoro Dalem Mertolulut [34] until about the year 1926. Pacikeran barasal ciker meaning of the word is broken hand. Great Tarub building located just north of the top level. The building is square-shaped canopy with four pillars, where the authorities of transit awaiting his entourage entered the inner palace. In the northeast and northwest are the Great Tarub Kori Ward. In this place formerly in charge of servants and servants Dalem Kori Dalem attorney whose function is to deliver the petition and complaint of the people to the Sultan.

Tangkil Manguntur ward lies in the middle of Siti Hinggil under or inside a large open hall called Tratag Sitihinggil . This building is where the Sultan sat on his throne at formal occasions such as inauguration of the kingdom and Pisowanan Sultan Agung. In this ward also on December 17, 1949 Ir. Soekarno was inaugurated as President of the United States of Indonesia. Ward stood on the south Manguntur Witono Tangkil. The main floor of the ward are greater than Tangkil Manguntur is made higher. This building used to put the royal emblems or royal heritage as the official royal events .
Bale Bang is located on the east Tratag Siti Hinggil in ancient times used to store the Gamelan Sekati, KK  Guntur Madu and KK Naga Wilaga. Bale-angun Angun located on the west Tratag Siti Hinggil in his day was a place to store the spear, KK-angun Angun Suro.

Source : Wikipedia

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