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Monday, March 26, 2012

Gamelan orchestra

Gamelan is one of the nation's cultural assets are derived from original Yogyakarta, Indonesia. gamelan has a very strong character, supported by the distinctive and shared penainnya sinden-sinden. This orchestra has a pentatonic scales in the system scale and slendro slendro-scale systems. Sultan Palace has about 18-19 sets of heirloom gamelan ensemble, of which 16 are used while the rest (KK and KK Bremara Flag) in poor condition. Each gamelan has a proper name of honor as a sacred heritage. Three pieces of gamelan comes from the days before Giyanti Agreement and the remainder from the fifteen days of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Three monggang  gamelan is called KK Guntur Sea, crawling gamelan kodhok named KK Maeso algae, and gamelan Sekati named KK Guntur Madu. All three are sacred gamelan  and just played / sounded on certain events.


Sea of ​​Thunder KK monggang Gamelan said to have originated from the Majapahit.............

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bering Harjo Market

icon Beringharjo market is the most traditional markets anemo visitors. from domestic and abroad. a very strategic location not far from the center of the palace. BeringHarjo market is one of the economic center of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta in his day.



 Located on the eastern side of the road Jend. A Yani, Bering Harjo,...............

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pathok Negoro

Negoro  Pathok Mosque  which amounts to four areas of the capital became a boundary marker . Location of this mosque is located in the Yellow Ploso (northern boundary), Mlangi (west boundary), Kauman Dongkelan (southern boundary), and Babadan (eastern boundary). 


Establishment of this mosque also has a purpose as............

Taman Sari

Swimming Baths Binangun Bannerman, Taman Sari, the Sultan's Palace
Taman Sari complex is a relic Sultan HB I. Taman Sari (Fragrant Garden) means beautiful garden, which in ancient times a place of recreation for the sultan and their courtiers. In this complex there is a place that is still considered sacred in Taman Sari, the Pasareyan Ledoksari contest and a private place where the Sultan. 



Interesting building is in the form of wells Gumuling two-story building..........

Monument golong gilig

Monument or memorial pal golong gilig white (white pole) is a marker of the northern boundary of the old city of Yogyakarta. This building was originally shaped like a round stick (gilig) with a ball (golong) above. 

the form of the monument before the quake 

The building is reminiscent of the Washington Monument in Washington DC.............

Saturday, March 17, 2012


nDalem Kepatihan is the official residence (Official residence) as well as office Pepatih Dalem. This is where the government of the time held the daily activities of the kingdom. Since 1945 the office of Prime Minister of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta is a complex office of Governor / 


Head of Yogyakarta Special Region.......

Panggung Krapyak

Krapyak stage was built by Sultan HB I and now the objects of cultural heritage. Gedhong stage, so called, is a brick podium with a high of 4 m, width 5 m, and a length of 6 m. Reach 1 m thick walls. The building has four outer doors, 8 windows outside, and 8 doors on the inside. Buildings with flat roofs made ​​fence at the edges.



 Available for achieving a wooden staircase......

South Kamandhungan

At the southern end of the alley in south Kamagangan complex there is a gate, Regol Gadhung Mlati, which connects the complex to complex Kamagangan Kamandhungan South / south. This gate insulating wall has the same ornamentation with the gate insulating wall Kamagangan. 

In the complex there is a main building of the South Kamandhungan Ward. Ward is said to have originated from the gazebo in the village of Jackfruit Pandak........

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Kamagangan Di Sisi Selatan Kompleks Kedhaton terdapat Regol Kamagangan Yang menghubungkan Kompleks Kedhaton Mencari Google Artikel Kompleks Kemagangan. Suami Gerbang begitu penting karena di Dinding penyekat sebelah Utara terdapat Patung doa ekor ular Yang menggambarkan Tahun berdirinya Keraton Yogyakarta . Di Sisi selatannya pun terdapat doa ekor ular di Kanan Dan Kiri Gerbang Yang menggambarkan Tahun Yang Sama. KARYA CIPTA PUTRA Kompleks Kemagangan digunakan untuk Penerimaan Calon pegawai (abdi-Dalem Magang), tempat berlatih Dan Ujian Serta apel kesetiaan para abdi-Dalem magang. Bangsal Magangan Yang terletak di Tengah Auditan Besar digunakan sebagai tempat Upacara Bedhol Songsong, pertunjukan wayang kulit Yang menandai selesainya seluruh prosesi ritual di Keraton. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Donopratopo Gate, the Sultan's Palace
Complex on the south side stands Regol Sri Manganti Donopratopo connecting with Kedhaton complex. In front of the gate there is a pair of giant statues called Dwarapala Cinkorobolo Bolobuto the east and west. On the east side there is a checkpoint. On the south wall insulation depending on the symbol of empire, Praja Cihna .
Kedhaton complex is at the core of the whole palace. Most pages Sapodilla tree dirindangi by kecik (Manilkara kauki; family Sapotaceae). This complex can be divided into at least three parts of a page (quarter). The first part is the Court Kedhaton and is part of the Sultan. The next section is a princess who is the wife (wives) and the daughter of the Sultan. The last part is Kesatriyan, is part of Sultan's sons. In this complex of buildings or parts thereof are not all open to the public, especially from the ward Kencono westward.

In the courtyard Kedhaton, Ward Kencono (Golden Pavilion), which faces east is the main hall of the palace. In this place held a variety.......

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sri Manganti

Sri Manganti complex located south Kamandhungan LER complex and linked by Sri Manganti Regol. In the baffle wall hangings are a giant Makara. On the west side of the complex there is a ward of Sri Manganti that in his day used as a place to receive important guests of the kingdom. Now at this location which placed some form of heritage palace gamelan musical instruments. It also functioned for organizing tourism events palace.

Mas Traju ward located on .....

Kamandhungan Lor (North)

In the south aisle there is Siti Hinggil that stretches east-west direction. South wall of the hallway is a wall Cepuri and there is a large gate, Regol Brojonolo, as liaison with Kamandhungan Hinggil Siti. To the east and west sides of the south gate, there is a checkpoint. This gate is opened only during the official ceremony at the royal and other days are always in a closed state. To get into the complex in the palace complex Kamandhungan once daily through the door Keben gate on the east side and west of this complex, each of which a door to the street each and Rotowijayan Kemitbumen


Kamandhungan LER complex is often referred to as.....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Siti Hinggil Ler

In the south there are complex performance Siti Hinggil Complex. Siti complex Hinggil traditionally used to hold the official royal ceremonies. In this place on December 19, 1949 used the inauguration Univ. Gadjah Mada. The complex is made higher than the surrounding soil with two levels for the ride is on the north and south. Among the events and a row of trees planted Siti Hinggil Gayam (Inocarpus edulis / Inocarpus fagiferus; family Papilionaceae).

On the right and left lower end of the north Siti

Pagelaran Complex

The main building is a former ward performances known as Tratag Creep . In his days the show is where the imperial courtier to the Sultan at the official ceremony. Now often used for tourism events, religion, etc. in addition to ceremonial palace. Ward Pemandengan pair located at the far east and west show. In the past there used by the Sultan to see the war in Lor Square.

Ward Pasewakan pair / clamp located just outside the

Kadipaten Of Nayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace

Mangkubumen Dalem complex is the Crown Prince Palace or known as the Duchy (derived from the title of Crown Prince: "Prince Duke Anom." This place is situated in the village of the Duchy northwest Taman Sari and Ngasem.

 Now the complex is used as a campus of Univ

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sultanate Mosques Gedhe

Gedhe Sultanate Mosque complex (Sultanate Mosque) or the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta is located west of the northern square complex. The complex is also called the Mosque Gedhe Kauman surrounded by a high wall. The main door of the complex located on the east side. Architecture tajug square-shaped main building with the roof closed bertumpang three. To enter the main door there on the east and north. On the western side of the pulpit there is a three-story wooden mihrab (where the imam leads the prayer), and a cage-like building called maksura. In his time (for security reasons) in this place to worship the Emperor. Porch joglo rectangular shaped mosque is open. Main mosque floor is made higher than the mosque portico and porch floor is much higher compared to the courtyard. On the north-east-south porch there is a small pond. In ancient times this pool to wash the feet of people who want to enter the mosque.
In front of the mosque there is a courtyard planted with specific tree. In the north and south of the page (northeast and southeast of the mosque building highways)....

Alun-alun Kidul

Alun-alun Kidul is a square in the southern part of Yogyakarta Palace. Square of the South are often referred to as Pengkeran. Pengkeran derived from pengker (form manners) of buri (rear). This is in accordance with South keletakan square which is located behind the palace.

Alun-alun Lor

Alun-alun lor is a grassy field  in the northern part of Sultan Palace. Formerly a rectangular field is surrounded by a fence wall is high enough . Now the wall was not seen again except in the south eastern side. Nowadays the square is narrowed and only just visible in the middle. At the edge of the paved road that has been made open to the public.

On the edge of the square planted with a row of banyan trees (Ficus benjamina; family Moraceae)

Gladhag Pangurakan

The main gate to get into the Yogyakarta Palace complex from the north is the Gate and the Gate Pangurakan Gladhag which is located just a few meters to the south. The second gate is looks like a layered defense . In his day said Pangurakan is where you can drop a watch list or expulsion from the city for those who received the punishment of exile / disposal .

Another version says there are three gates of the gate Gladhag, Pangurakan nJawi gate, and gate Pangurakan

General Architecture

In general each of the main complex consists of a page covered with sand from the south coast, the main building as well as a companion, and sometimes planted some trees. Complex with each other separated by a high wall and connected to Regol which is usually styled Semar Tinandu . Doors made of teak wood is thick. Behind or in front of each gate there is a wall insulation is usually called a joint or Baturono. At a certain Regol insulation have a distinctive ornament.

Sultan Palace buildings look more traditional Javanese style of architecture. In certain parts look a touch of foreign culture such as Portuguese, Dutch, and even China. Buildings in each complex are formed as / berkonstruksi Joglo or derivation / derived construction. Joglo open without walls is called a closed ward while joglo called Gedhong wall (building). In addition there are buildings that form a canopy of bamboo and thatched bamboo pole called Tratag. In the development of tin-roofed buildings and metal pole.

Layout Of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace

Corridor in the background Kedhaton Gedhong Jene and Gedhong Purworetno
Formerly the main palace, from the north keselatan, starting from the gate in the north to the Gladhag Plengkung Nirboyo in the south. The main parts of the palace of Yogyakarta from north to south are: gate-Pangurakan Gladag; LER Square Complex (North Field) and Gedhe Mosque (Royal Mosque); Complex Pagelaran, Siti Complex Hinggil LER, LER Kamandhungan Complex: Complex Sri Manganti ; Complex Kedhaton; Complex Kamagangan; Complex Kamandhungan South; Siti Hinggil South Complex (now called the Sasana Hinggil); and square South (South Field) and Plengkung Nirbaya commonly called Plengkung Gadhing .

Northern parts of the south side Kedhaton with virtually symmetrical. Most of the buildings on the north Complex Kedhaton facing north and south of the south facing Complex Kedhaton. Kedhaton own building in the area mostly east or west facing. However, there are building facing the other direction.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Bugis Soldier

Bugis warriors called because originally all members of this union comes from the Bugis. This unity is the task of escorting a governor and oversee the ceremonies and other Garebeg.

Surokarso Soldier

Consisting of a penewu ranking officers, 64 soldiers and a banner carrying. Uniform of white shirt with long sleeves and long pants patterned fabric highlights. Wearing headbands kewengen pupil (the black cloth and white middle ditepinya white striped).

Mantrijero Soldier

Consisting of eight pennant-ranking officers, 8 noncommissioned sergeant, carrying 64 soldiers and a banner. Is the rank of commander of the regents. Open his uniform jacket with black and white striped fabric striated, dressed in white, white shorts, long white socks and shoes.

Prawirotomo Soldier

Consisting of four standard-ranking officers, four noncommissioned sergeant, 72 soldiers and a banner carrier. Clothing is worn a black hat-shaped nut, headband wulung, Beskap black, red underwear. Sayak white, red lonthong, dictionary black, red on the white pants. Bengkap black, black socks.

Dhaeng Soldier

4 terdir flag-ranking officers, 8 noncommissioned sergeant, 72 men and 1 banner carrier. Cundhuk wear uniforms of black hat, headband wulung, white stripe coat of red, blue Lonthong, black dictionary, brother-stripe pants, black socks, shoes fantopel.

Nyutro Soldier

Consisting of eight pennant-ranking officers, 8 noncommissioned sergeant, 46 soldiers and 2 banner carriers. Uniforms are worn in the form of a short-sleeved shirt, pants and dodot or seam with fabric motif tulak bango, udheng gilig wear headgear. Weapons used were rifles and spears. At first this unity are barefoot and have two different uniforms that one black the other red. There are two kinds of flags in the PODANG NGISEP Nyutra parajurit SARI, yellow base, in the middle of the picture there are red and Padmo Plentong Kresno SRI, the base yellow, the middle picture Plentong red.

Jogokaryo soldier

Comprised four pennant-ranking officers, 8 noncommissioned sergeant, 72 soldiers and one person pembewa banner. Tempelangan betuk black hat, like a boat overturned. Wulung headband, crem colored vest, Beskap lupat striated layers of red, striated sayak, lonthong red, black Dictionary. Striated flag pants, long socks, black shoes pantopel. Persenjataanya rifle and wearing a dagger branggah.

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