Gamelan is one of the nation's cultural assets are derived from original Yogyakarta, Indonesia. gamelan has a very strong character, supported by the distinctive and shared penainnya sinden-sinden. This orchestra has a pentatonic scales in the system scale and slendro slendro-scale systems. Sultan Palace has about 18-19 sets of heirloom gamelan ensemble, of which 16 are used while the rest (KK and KK Bremara Flag) in poor condition. Each gamelan has a proper name of honor as a sacred heritage. Three pieces of gamelan comes from the days before Giyanti Agreement and the remainder from the fifteen days of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Three monggang gamelan is called KK Guntur Sea, crawling gamelan kodhok named KK Maeso algae, and gamelan Sekati named KK Guntur Madu. All three are sacred gamelan and just played / sounded on certain events.

Sea of Thunder KK monggang Gamelan said to have originated from the Majapahit.............
era. Gamelan can be said to be the most sacred in this palace is a simple ensemble consisting of three tones in slendro-scale systems. In his days gamelan is only played in a state ceremony is very important that the inauguration / coronation of the Sultan, accompanied the Sultan's departure from the palace to attend the important ceremonies, celebrations Maleman (ceremony on the evening of 21,23,25, and 29 month of Ramadan), the royal wedding , Garebeg, and the Sultan's funeral. Gamelan has an important historical value. Upon approval Sunan PB III, KK played at sea Guntur Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I welcome the signing of the Treaty Giyanti in 1755.
era. Gamelan can be said to be the most sacred in this palace is a simple ensemble consisting of three tones in slendro-scale systems. In his days gamelan is only played in a state ceremony is very important that the inauguration / coronation of the Sultan, accompanied the Sultan's departure from the palace to attend the important ceremonies, celebrations Maleman (ceremony on the evening of 21,23,25, and 29 month of Ramadan), the royal wedding , Garebeg, and the Sultan's funeral. Gamelan has an important historical value. Upon approval Sunan PB III, KK played at sea Guntur Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I welcome the signing of the Treaty Giyanti in 1755.
KK Maeso Algae is also an ancient gamelan is also said to originate from the Majapahit era. Gamelan is also used kodhok digging slendro-scale systems. Gamelan is obtained by Prince Mangkubumi of Giyanti Agreement. Its use is also very sacred and is always played at ceremonies such as the coronation ceremony of the Sultan and the royal wedding. Gamelan number two in this palace also played the anniversary of the Sultan, the Sultan's son circumcision ceremony, and procession to megiringi Mountains to the Great Mosque.
Gamelan Sekati KK Guntur Madu played in The ceremony at the South Pagongan Sekaten, as well as in circumcision ceremonies and wedding Crown Prince. It is said that gamelan is derived from the time of the Sultanate of Demak. Another version of this instrument made by Sultan Agung of Mataram kingdom now ruled. Gamelan is a property of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta after the treaty partner KK Giyanti while Guntur Sari belongs Kesunanan Surakarta. In order for this Sekati gamelan still amounted to a pair then made copies (Jw. dipun putrani) and named KK Naga Pagongan Wilaga who played in the North. Specificity of this gamelan is a greater form of gamelan instruments in general and drums (drum), which reflects Hinduism replaced by a small drum (thought to reflect Islam).
KK Guntur Sari used to accompany Beksan Lawung, a sacred dance, the wedding ceremony the Sultan's son. KK is played to accompany uyon Surak-uyon (Javanese traditional songs), dance, and shadow puppets. Gamelan there are a couple in particular, among others, KK Harja Nagara (slendro-scale) with KK Harja Mulya (pelog scale) and KK Honey Murti (slendro-scale) with the KK Honey Kusumo (pelog scale).
gamelan Javanese / Javanese style of the original culture of Indonesia is an asset but lately anemo contemporary music enthusiasts are declining. then we as a great nation it is good to uphold these values and continue Java culture.
Releated : Kamandhungan Lor (North) , Siti Hinggil Ler ,Pagelaran Complex ,Kadipaten ,Sultanate Mosques Gedhe ,Alun-alun Kidul ,Alun-alun Lor ,Gladhag Pangurakan ,General Architecture ,Layout Of Ngayogyakarta ,Hadiningrat Palace , Sri Manganti , South Kamandhungan , Kamagangan
Source : Wikipedia
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