At the southern end of the alley in south Kamagangan complex there is a gate, Regol Gadhung Mlati, which connects the complex to complex Kamagangan Kamandhungan South / south. This gate insulating wall has the same ornamentation with the gate insulating wall Kamagangan.

In the complex there is a main building of the South Kamandhungan Ward. Ward is said to have originated from the gazebo in the village of Jackfruit Pandak........
Coral area Sokawati which was once the headquarters of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I III the throne during the war. On the south side of South Kamandhungan there is a gate, Regol Kamandhungan, the most southern door of the complex Cepuri. Among the South Kamandhungan complex and there is a way of South Hinggil Siti called Pamengkang.
Releated : Kamandhungan Lor (North) , Siti Hinggil Ler ,Pagelaran Complex ,Kadipaten ,Sultanate Mosques Gedhe ,Alun-alun Kidul ,Alun-alun Lor ,Gladhag Pangurakan ,General Architecture ,Layout Of Ngayogyakarta ,Hadiningrat Palace , Sri Manganti ,
Source : Wikipedia
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