Swimming Baths Binangun Bannerman, Taman Sari, the Sultan's Palace
Taman Sari complex is a relic Sultan HB I. Taman Sari (Fragrant Garden) means beautiful garden, which in ancient times a place of recreation for the sultan and their courtiers. In this complex there is a place that is still considered sacred in Taman Sari, the Pasareyan Ledoksari contest and a private place where the Sultan.

Interesting building is in the form of wells Gumuling two-story building..........
with the bottom floor is located in the basement. In the past, this building is a kind of Sultan mosque where worshipers. This section can be achieved through an underground tunnel. In other parts there are many other underground tunnel, which is a secret path, and prepared the way if at any time savior complex is under attack enemies. Now the complex Taman Sari left only a little.
Releated : Kamandhungan Lor (North) , Siti Hinggil Ler ,Pagelaran Complex ,Kadipaten ,Sultanate Mosques Gedhe ,Alun-alun Kidul ,Alun-alun Lor ,Gladhag Pangurakan ,General Architecture ,Layout Of Ngayogyakarta ,Hadiningrat Palace , Sri Manganti , South Kamandhungan , Kamagangan
Source : Wikipedia
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