Ngayogyakarta palace or Kraton Yogyakarta is a palace official Ngayogyakarta Empire which is now located in the city of Yogyakarta , Yogyakarta , Indonesia . Although the empire has officially become part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950 , this palace complex of buildings still serve as shelter sultan and palace households are still running the imperial tradition until today. This palace is now also one of the attractions in the city of Yogyakarta. Most of the palace complex is a museum that's a good collection of the empire, including a variety of gifts from the kings of Europe, heirloom replica of the palace, and gamelan . In terms of the building, this palace is one example of architecture Javanese palace of the best, has a luxurious hall and the hall-field and pavilion area.
Sultan Palace began to be established by the lane I post a few months Giyanti Treaty in 1755 . Location of this is supposedly a former palace of a pesanggarahan named Garjitawati. This vacation home is used to break the funeral procession of the kings of Mataram (Kartasura and Surakarta) which will be buried in Imogiri . Another version says the location of the palace is a fountain, Pacethokan Bannerman, who is in the middle of the woods Beringan. Before occupying the Sultan Palace, the lane I lived in Pesanggrahan Ambar Ketawang which now includes the District of Dalkeith District Lahore [3] .
Physically, the palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta has seven core complex that is Siti Hinggil LER (North Hall), Kamandhungan ler (North Kamandhungan), Sri Manganti, Kedhaton, Kamagangan, Kamandhungan South (South Kamandhungan), and Siti Hinggil South (South Hall) . In addition Yogyakarta Palace has a good range of cultural heritage in the form of ceremony and ancient artifacts and historic. On the other hand, Sultan Palace is also a traditional institution complete with customary holders. It is therefore not surprising that the values of philosophy as well as mythology surrounds Yogyakarta Palace. And for that in 1995 the palace complex Ngayogyakarta nominated to become one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site
The interior and architectural general
Chief architect of this palace is the Sultan Hamengkubuwana I , founder of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta . His expertise in the field of architecture regarded by scientists nationals Netherlands , Theodoor Pigeaud Gautier Thomas and Lucien Adam who regard it as the "architect" of his Pakubuwono II of Surakarta " . building principal and the basic design layout of the palace following the basic design of the old city of Yogyakarta landscape completed between the years 1755-1756. other buildings added later by the Sultan of Yogyakarta next. Forms of the palace which now seems largely a result of refurbishment and restoration work by the lane VIII (reigned in 1921 - 1939 ).
The interior
Corridor in the background Kedhaton Gedhong Jene and Gedhong Purworetno
Formerly the main palace, from the north keselatan, starting from the gate in the north to the Gladhag Plengkung Nirboyo in the south. The main parts of the palace of Yogyakarta from north to south are: gate-Pangurakan Gladag; LER Square Complex (North Field) and Gedhe Mosque (Royal Mosque); Complex Pagelaran, Siti Complex Hinggil LER, LER Kamandhungan Complex: Complex Sri Manganti ; Complex Kedhaton; Complex Kamagangan; Complex Kamandhungan South; Siti Hinggil South Complex (now called the Sasana Hinggil....
); and Square South (South Field) and Plengkung Nirbaya commonly called Plengkung Gadhing .
Northern parts of the south side Kedhaton with virtually symmetrical. Most of the buildings on the north Complex Kedhaton facing north and south of the south facing Complex Kedhaton. Kedhaton own building in the area mostly east or west facing. However, there are building facing the other direction.
In addition to the main parts of north-south axis palace also has another part. These sections include Pracimosono Complex, Complex Roto Wijayan, Kilen Palace Complex, Complex Taman Sari, and the Crown Prince Palace Complex (initially Sawojajar later in nDalem Mangkubumen). All around the palace and in it there is a defense system consisting of a wall / wall and Baluwerti Cepuri. Outside the walls of the buildings that are associated with the palace, among others, Monument White Pal, Gedhong Krapyak, nDalem Kepatihan (Palace of the Prime Minister), and Beringharjo market.
Public Architecture
In general each of the main complex consists of a page covered with sand from the south coast, the main building as well as a companion, and sometimes planted some trees. Complex with each other separated by a high wall and connected to Regol which is usually styled Semar Tinandu . Doors made of teak wood is thick. Behind or in front of each gate there is a wall insulation is usually called a joint or Baturono. At a certain Regol insulation have a distinctive ornament.
Sultan Palace buildings look more traditional Javanese style of architecture. In certain parts look a touch of foreign culture such as Portuguese , Dutch , and even China . Buildings in each complex are formed as / berkonstruksi Joglo or derivation / derived construction. Joglo open without walls is called a closed ward while joglo called Gedhong wall (building). In addition there are buildings that form a canopy of bamboo and thatched bamboo pole called Tratag. In the development of tin-roofed buildings and metal pole.
Joglo roof surface of the trapezoid. The material is made of shingles, isthmus, and zinc and is usually red or gray. The roof is supported by the main pillars of the call with Soko Guru that was in the middle of the building, as well as the other poles. Building poles are usually dark green or black with yellow ornaments, light green, red, and gold as well as others. For the other buildings made of wood has a color matching the color of the pole. On a particular building (eg Manguntur Tangkil) has Mirong Princess ornaments, calligraphy stilasi of Allah , Muhammad , Alif Lam Mim and Ra, in the middle of the poles.
For the stone plinth, Ompak, black combined with gold ornaments. The white color dominating the walls of the building or complex separation wall. Floors are usually made of alabaster or of patterned tiles. The floor is made higher than the sandy pages. On a particular building has a main floor higher . On a particular building is equipped with a square stone called Selo Gilang place where the Sultan's throne.
Each building has a class depending on its function, including its proximity to office users. The main class for example, a building used by the Sultan in an official capacity, has a more elaborate ornament detail and beautiful than the class below it. The lower class of the building then the simple ornaments do not even have ornaments at all. Besides ornaments, classroom buildings can also be seen from the material and form a part or whole of the building itself.
The main gate to get into the Yogyakarta Palace complex from the north is the Gate and the Gate Pangurakan Gladhag which is located just a few meters to the south. The second gate is looks like a layered defense . In his day said Pangurakan is where you can drop a watch list or expulsion from the city for those who received the punishment of exile / disposal .
Another version says there are three gates of the gate Gladhag, Pangurakan nJawi gate, and gate Pangurakan Lebet . Gladhag first gate located on the northern end of Jalan Trikora (Yogyakarta Post Office and Bank BNI 46) but now it is gone . The gate to the south is Pangurakan nJawi which still stands today and be the first gate of the palace if you go north. In the south gate there nJawi Pangurakan Plataran / Pangurakan field which is now a part of the Road Trikora. The gate next to the southern boundary is Pangurakan Lebet which is still standing . Of the gate there after Pangurakan LER Square Complex.
Square Lor.
Terrain, "Lor Square", in the northern part of the palace of Yogyakarta with its tree-ringin Brackets
Lor square is a grassy field in the northern part of Sultan Palace. Formerly a rectangular field is surrounded by a fence wall is high enough . Now the wall was not seen again except in the south eastern side. Nowadays the square is narrowed and only just visible in the middle. At the edge of the paved road that has been made open to the public.
On the edge of the square planted with a row of banyan trees (Ficus benjamina; family Moraceae) and in the middle there is a banyan tree that was given a pair of fences are called by K. Sengkeran / ringin Brackets (banyan fenced). Both the tree is named Kyai and Kyai Dewadaru Janadaru . Sultan was in his day than Pepatih Dalem which may pass through / walk between the two banyan trees that lined it. It also is used as an arena seating people to do the "Tapa Pepe" when Pisowanan Ageng as a form of objections to government policy . Employees / servants Dalem Kori will meet them to hear any complaints then presented to the Sultan, who was sitting in Siti Hinggil.
On the sidelines of the banyan tree at the edge of the north, east, and west there is a small pavilion called Pekapalan, transit and stay of the Regents of the Overseas Empire . The building is now a lot has changed functions and some have disappeared. First building in the south there is now a separate complex, Pagelaran.
In ancient times the square Lor used as the venue for royal events and ceremonies involving many people. Among these are Garebeg and sekaten, events and rampogan Watangan tiger, pisowanan ageng, and so forth. Now the place is often used for a variety of events that also involve the community such as music concerts, campaigns, rallies, worship venues Islamic holidays to also be used for football parking lots of local people and vehicles.
Sultanate Mosque Gedhe
Gedhe Sultanate Mosque complex (Sultanate Mosque) or the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta is located west of the northern square complex. The complex is also called the Mosque Gedhe Kauman surrounded by a high wall. The main door of the complex located on the east side. Architecture tajug square-shaped main building with the roof closed bertumpang three. To enter the main door there on the east and north. On the western side of the pulpit there is a three-story wooden mihrab (where the imam leads the prayer), and a cage-like building called maksura. In his time (for security reasons) in this place to worship the Emperor. Porch joglo rectangular shaped mosque is open. Main mosque floor is made higher than the mosque portico and porch floor is much higher compared to the courtyard. On the north-east-south porch there is a small pond. In ancient times this pool to wash the feet of people who want to enter the mosque.
In front of the mosque there is a courtyard planted with specific tree. In the north and south of the page (northeast and southeast of the mosque building highways) there is a rather high building called Pagongan. Pagongan in northeastern Pagongan mosque called LER (North Pagongan) and is located in the southeast called the Pagongan South (South Pagongan). When the ceremony Sekaten, Pagongan ler is used to place the gamelan Sekati Kangjeng Kyai (KK) Dragon Wilaga for gamelan and South Pagongan Sekati KK Guntur Madu. In southwestern South Pagongan there door to enter the mosque compound used in the ceremonial feast trail Boto at a ceremony in Dal Sekaten. In addition there is Pengulon, the official residence Kangjeng Kyai Pengulu to the north of the mosque and the old cemetery to the west of the mosque.
Releated : Kamandhungan Lor (North) , Siti Hinggil Ler ,Pagelaran Complex ,Kadipaten ,Sultanate Mosques Gedhe ,Alun-alun Kidul ,Alun-alun Lor ,Gladhag Pangurakan ,General Architecture ,Layout Of Ngayogyakarta ,Hadiningrat Palace , Sri Manganti , kamagangan
Source : Wikipedia
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